Water Purification Process
Water Purification Using Reverse Osmosi
Osmosis is a naturally occurring function. If a membrance is placed between dirty water and clean water, the clean water naturally migrates through the membrane to the dirty water. Reverse Osmosis is the process where, under pressure, dirty water is forced through a membrane to join the clear water, thus purifying it.
All Reverse Osmosis Water Purification systems depend upon one form or other of a semi-permeable membrane. The membrane does not act precisely as a filter, because passage through the membrane is not entirely a function of physical size. Instead movement across the membrane depends upon the specific bonding characteristics of each module.
Water and gases such as oxygen have the ability to make and break the binds necessary to move the molecule structure of the membrane.
Water Purifying

Why Drink Nepean Valley Pure Water?
Pure water tastes better and perfectly PH Balanced...
The system provides a self-cleaning mechanism for the membrane. The reject water is used to 'backwash' the membrane and it carries away the bacteria and other pollutants that don't pass through the membrane.
The system is effective against most pollutants, and also removes a significant amount of bacteria.
All waters look the same, but contaminations in water such as sulphur, lead and chlorine are invisible to our eyes and are known as Totally Dissolved Solids (TDS)
By using a conductivity test (as shown above), we can expose which waters have higher TDS in them. Tap water has between 100 and 300 parts per million (ppm) of TDS. Nepean Valley Pure Water has 0.02 ppm.
Pure Water Facts
Water is natures way of purifying the body, it is vital for all known forms of life